Misato Rose
Large colourful winter radish. Grow these beautiesin mid to late summer and harvest around first frost for winter storage. Cut open the light green 10-15cm radish and you’ll be wowed by the bright reddish pink flesh within. The taste is a bit like a sweet turnip with a bit of radish mixed in and they make some pretty tasty winter salads. If you are a kimchi fan, try making some with Misato Rose. Colourul and delicious.
Days to Maturity: 60 days
Sow late spring thru mid-summer for great, crisp fall and winter radishes, similar to daikon. Space 4" apart, and roots will get 4-6" in diameter, and make some serious winter food that is both nutritious and beautiful. This radish stores well throughout winter and into the spring for plentiful eating. Keep well watered to ensure crisp roots. Floating row covers will keep flea beetles and cabbage root maggots at bay.