French Breakfast
Long tapered French heirloom radish traditionally eaten for breakfast with salt and fresh, buttered bread. Red, cylindrical radishes have white tips and mature earlier than round radishes. In addition to that sharp bite in your salad, radishes are packed with nutritional benefits. They have as much potassium as bananas and are rich in Vitamin C, folate and magnesium. Who knew?
Days to Maturity: 21 days
Sow seed in early spring 3 cm. apart and 1- 1.5 cm. deep. Space rows 20-30 cm apart. Radishes prefer cool, moist conditions and will become hot and pithy in hot, dry weather. They are best in the cool spring weather. Keep well watered to ensure mild taste and crisp roots. Sow every week or two throughout the spring for a steady supply. Floating row covers will keep flea beetles and cabbage root maggots at bay.