Row Cover - NOVAGRYL P19
P19 Row Cover is a light-weight, non-woven, floating row cover made up of 3 super-imposed layers of fabric creating an excellent, uniform product that provides up to 4°F protection and 85% light transmission. Provides protection from the wind as well.
We use this row cover to keep flea beetles and cabbage butterflies off of our brassicas (broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts) as well as radishes, arugula and nasturtiums. It also covers our cucurbits from the time we plant them until they start to flower. This keeps the plants strong and vigorous as cucumber beetles can't damage them. When we uncover them so they can flower and fruit, they are strong, vigorous plants undamaged by insects.
Your carrots will appreciate the consistently moist soil surface provided by a layer of row cover over the bed. Simply water the row cover whenever it starts to dry out. This will speed up the notoriously slow carrot seed germination so your baby carrots can outcompete the weeds.
Peppers appreciate the extra bit of heat this row cover provides. The tips of pepper plants are sensitive to pressure from the cloth so make hoops from 12mm (1/2 inch) PVC water pipe and lengths of rebar then cover with row cover.