Black Cherry
All the sweet, complex taste of a black tomato in a perfect little cherry. Prolific indeterminate plants produce loads of these dusky, juicy little tomatoes. Easy to pick and no...
Regular price $4.00 $4.00
Masses of little yellow cherry tomatoes. Indeterminate plants are loaded with fruit clusters of 20-30 extremely tasty, tiny yellow (2 cm.) tomatoes. Very little cracking for a cherry. We like...
Beautiful elongated fruits are a soft yellow streaked with pink and have a little tip at the blossom end. The flesh is two toned, yellow and pink with a lovely sweet flavour great...
Champagne Bubbles
Sweet little bursts of tomatoey goodness. Aka White Currant and although it is one of the sweetest tomatoes we have grown it still tastes like a tomato as opposed to...
Dancing with Smurfs
The best tasting of the indigo group of tomatoes in our opinion. Indeterminate plants pump out loads of purple-black cherry tomatoes with their own built in ripeness indicator. Just look...
Our neighbours were eating these tasty little yellow cherry tomatoes in mid July which is super early for our neck of the woods. The 2.5 cm. fruits are borne on...
Golden Cherry
Sweet and addictive. These little golden-orangey-red tomatoes probably wouldn’t make it in from the garden except for the fact that there are so many of them you can't eat them...
Green Tiger
Beautiful elongated green fruit with dark green marbling and gold undertones. Superbly flavourful and prolific in our trials! Chefs love the cylindrical shape for easy slicing. Ripe when yellow with green streaking;...
Matt's Wild Cherry
Flavour packed little red tomatoes have high sugar content, smooth texture and make great grazing in the garden. Large, productive plants keep pumping out fruit when other tomatoes have succumbed...
Pink Bumblebee
Pretty pink cherry with gold stripping has great eye appeal and a sweet and rich flavour. Productive plants have heavy yields of oval cherries that resist cracking. They do well...
We are very impressed with this sweet, rich, mid-size cherry tomato from Japan. Indeterminate plants produce massive trusses of pinky-red fruits that are resistant to splitting. Not only that, the...
Principe Borghese
Italian heirloom tomato is used for sun dried tomatoes. Can be crushed for flakes or ground into powder to add rich tomato flavour to soups, salad dressings etc. Sturdy plants produce...
Purple Bumblebee
Colourful striped cherry with rich flavour. Oval fruits resist cracking and are purple/black with dark green to grey striping. Very beautiful and popular in CSA’s and at market as well...
Sunrise Bumblebee
This may be the prettiest cherry tomato we have ever grown and is sweet and fruity as well. Crack resistant cherries are yellow gold streaked with pink inside and out....
Washington Cherry
Very early red cherry developed by Washington State University for its keeping and shipping qualities. Round, meaty fruits are thick walled and tasty. They hold well on or off the...
Translating to "sugar grape" this slightly-larger-than-a-cherry tomato yields magnificently on strapping, dense trusses. Easy to pick red fruits fill container after container if one exercises restraint to not simply enjoy...