Purslane - Tall Green
A nutritional powerhouse with more Omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable and more vitamin C than spinach. Upright plants reach 50cm and will regrow if cut leaving two leaves at the base. Large, succulent leaves have a tart, somewhat lemony flavor and add crunch to salads, sandwiches and tacos. Thrives in the heat of summer. Feed it to chickens for high omega-3 eggs.
Portulaca oleracea sativa
Days to Maturity - 50-60 days
Direct seed after last frost when soil has warmed to the touch. Sow seed 1/2cm deep and 1.5cm apart. Need light to germinate so don’t bury deeply. Thin seedlings to stand 10-12cm apart. Can also be started indoors. Sow 3-4 seeds per container and cover very lightly with soil. Thin to one or two seedlings. Transplant outdoors when there is no danger of frost. Likes sun and well-drained soil.