We are very impressed with this sweet, rich, mid-size cherry tomato from Japan. Indeterminate plants produce massive trusses of pinky-red fruits that are resistant to splitting. Not only that, the...
Regular price $4.00 $4.00
Heirloom butterhead with great taste and texture. Was selected from Marvel of Four Seasons for taste, disease resistance and a tight blanched heart surrounded by dark red wrapper leaves. Resistant...
Polish Linguisa
One of the best tasting paste tomatoes we have grown. Paste tomatoes rarely score high in the taste department but this one is an exception. It has a good balance of...
Popeye Spinach
This productive spinach is a prime example of how seed farmers are working together to improve open pollinated varieties. Our friends at Siskiyou Seeds planted their favourite spinach varieties and...
Principe Borghese
Italian heirloom tomato is used for sun dried tomatoes. Can be crushed for flakes or ground into powder to add rich tomato flavour to soups, salad dressings etc. Sturdy plants produce...
Provencal Mesclun Mix
This mix is based on the traditional French recipe for mesclun. It includes chervil, arugula, lettuce and endive and it designed to provide a blend of tastes, colours and textures...
Provider Bush Bean
The most reliable bush snap bean we have grown. Provider does just what its name suggests, it provides, no matter what the weather throws at it. Heavy yields of uniform,...
Pruden's Purple
Early, especially for such a large tomato. Deep pink, meaty fruits are up to 450 grams (1 lb) with a sweet rich taste that is often compared to Brandywine. The...
Pumpkin Patch Landrace
A diverse population of prolific, extra- large edible pumpkins that have the ability to ripen in zone 3-4. Coming in all shapes, sizes, and colours robust vines can produce pumpkins...
Purple Bumblebee
Colourful striped cherry with rich flavour. Oval fruits resist cracking and are purple/black with dark green to grey striping. Very beautiful and popular in CSA’s and at market as well...
Purple Plum
Here is a colour you don’t see every day in the radish department. Globe shaped radishes have bright purple skin and crisp and juicy white flesh. They are high in...
Purple Top White Globe Turnip
Heirloom dating back to 1880. Bright purple top and creamy white below the soil line, can grow 5 inches or greater in diameter but are best enjoyed around a diameter...
Purslane - Golden
Despite being seen as a weed in some cultures, purslane is a nutrient dense, leafy green vegetable. It is loaded with antioxidants, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and beneficial plant compounds....
Purslane - Tall Green
A nutritional powerhouse with more Omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable and more vitamin C than spinach. Upright plants reach 50cm and will regrow if cut leaving two...
Queen of Hearts
Such a beauty. Such crunch. Such flavour. Another one of those lettuces that you cut in half and plate up for individual salads. This one makes the salad look like...
Quincy Pinto Bean
Creamy textured pinto with a delicious flavour. A slow cooker fave. This bean has it all. Sturdy, high yielding plants were bred in collaboration with Washington State University to have...
Rainbow Chard
A rainbow of colourful stems topped with dark leafy greens. Plant this chard in the flower garden or ornamental kitchen garden and enjoy the mix of orange, yellow, white, red...
Red Russian
Brassica napus. This heirloom kale has sweet, tender young leaves that work great in mid-summer salad mixes. Mature leaves can be bundled up as bunching greens. The gray-green leaves have...
Red Salad Bowl
Deep red, lobed, oak shaped leaves add loft and colour to salads. Centres are bright green. Very heat tolerant and slow to bolt. Tender leaves have a mild taste and...
Reine de Glaces
The name means Queen of Ices and this heirloom has been a favourite for around two centuries. Crispy white hearts are wrapped in toothed, green outer leaves. Add crunch to...